Vigilancia tecnológica

Vigilancia Tecnológica

Polymeer launches Initiative to convert Brewery Waste into high-quality Bioplastics

© University of TwenteRecently launched, the POLYMEER project aims to create a sustainable, bio-based value chain for bioplastics. The project receives €4.9 million in funding from the Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking HORIZON program under Grant Agreement nº 101157411. POLYMEER lasts 48 months and involves 14 partners from 8 countries, coordinated by the Università degli Studi di Perugia.

The Sustainable Polymer Chemistry group of the Department of Molecules and Materials, Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Twente, is responsible for designing and synthesising new, biobased, and biodegradable polymers from spent grain residues from breweries (BSG). Currently, BSG is often used as animal feed or discarded, contributing to environmental problems. POLYMEER focuses on the efficient conversion of BSG into high-performance bioplastics to replace fossil raw materials. 

The materials will be developed specifically for three applications:

  • Mulch film for agriculture, which helps with weed control, moisture retention and temperature regulation.
  • Textiles for the automotive industry.
  • Tertiary packaging film for industry.
All products will be designed for recyclability and/or biodegradability. During the project period, the focus is on optimising BSG conversion and ensuring life-cycle sustainability and market readiness.

This project illustrates an important step in promoting sustainable solutions in the plastics industry and contributes to the circular economy in Europe.

Fecha publicación: 24/10/2024

Autor: Kristijan Mrsic

Bio-based News

"Proyecto financiado por el Fondo Europeo Agrario de Desarrollo Rural (FEADER). Intensidad de ayuda: 100% costes corrientes y 60% costes de inversión. El montante total de la ayuda es de 560.868,95 €. La autoridad encargada de la aplicación de la ayuda FEADER es la Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural, Innovación y Formación Agroalimentaria (DGRIFA). "

"Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural: Europa invierte en las zonas rurales"

Comisión europea


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